Results for 'A. P. M. Balan'

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  1. Human Nature: The Categorial Framework.P. M. S. Hacker (ed.) - 2007 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This major study examines the most fundamental categories in terms of which we conceive of ourselves, critically surveying the concepts of substance, causation, agency, teleology, rationality, mind, body and person, and elaborating the conceptual fields in which they are embedded. The culmination of 40 years of thought on the philosophy of mind and the nature of the mankind Written by one of the world’s leading philosophers, the co-author of the monumental 4 volume _Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations_ Uses broad (...)
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    Philosophical Investigations.P. M. S. Hacker & Joachim Schulte (eds.) - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Incorporating significant editorial changes from earlier editions, the fourth edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein's _Philosophical Investigations_ is the definitive _en face_ German-English version of the most important work of 20th-century philosophy The extensively revised English translation incorporates many hundreds of changes to Anscombe’s original translation Footnoted remarks in the earlier editions have now been relocated in the text What was previously referred to as ‘Part 2’ is now republished as _Philosophy of Psychology – A Fragment_, and all the remarks in it (...)
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    Helmholtz and Kant: The Metaphysical Foundations of "Über die Erhaltung der Kraft".P. M. Heimann - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 5 (3):205.
  4. (1 other version)Wittgenstein, meaning and mind.P. M. S. Hacker (ed.) - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell.
    ... 243-) INTRODUCTION §§243- constitute the eighth 'chapter' of the book. Its point of departure is a natural query with respect to the conclusion of the ...
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  5. (1 other version)Folk psychology.P. M. Churchland - 1994 - In Samuel D. Guttenplan, A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    Molecular Forces, Statistical Representation and Maxwell's Demon.P. M. Heimann - 1970 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 1 (3):189.
  7. Davidson on first-person authority.P. M. S. Hacker - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):285-304.
    Davidson’s explanation of first‐person authority in utterance of sentences of the form ‘I V that p’ derives first‐person authority from the requirements of interpretation of speech. His account is committed to the view that utterance sentences are truth‐bearers, that believing that p is a matter of holding true an utterance sentence, and that a speaker’s knowledge of what he means gives him knowledge of what belief he expresses by his utterance. These claims are here faulted. His explanation of first‐person authority (...)
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  8. Passing by the Naturalistic Turn: On Quine’s Cul-de-Sac.P. M. S. Hacker - 2006 - Philosophy 81 (2):231-253.
    1. Naturalism Naturalism, it has been said, is the distinctive development in philosophy over the last thirty years. There has been a naturalistic turn away from the a priori methods of traditional philosophy to a conception of philosophy as continuous with natural science. The doctrine has been extensively discussed and has won considerable following in the USA. This is, on the whole, not true of Britain and continental Europe, where the pragmatist tradition never took root, and the temptations of scientism (...)
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    The world of consciousness.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - In Wittgenstein, meaning and mind. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 271–284.
    The equation of the world with 'life' and 'life' with consciousness ramified into the baffling account Wittgenstein gave of the 'philosophical self '. The physical world, as Descartes argued, is made of material substance, and the mental world 'is liable to be imagined as gaseous, or rather, aethereal'. Conceiving of consciousness as a private realm populated by private experiences, one is bound to be puzzled at its evolutionary emergence. Consciousness is attributable to an organism as a whole, not to its (...)
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    Constraint, Consent, and Well-Being in Human Kidney Sales.P. M. Hughes - 2009 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 34 (6):606-631.
    This paper canvasses recent arguments in favor of commercial markets in human transplant kidneys, raising objections to those arguments on grounds of the role of injustice, exploitation, and coercion in compromising the autonomy of those most likely to sell a kidney, namely, the least well off members of society.
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  11. Wittgenstein, Carnap and the new american Wittgensteinians.P. M. S. Hacker - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (210):01–23.
    James Conant, a proponent of the ‘New American Wittgenstein’, has argued that the standard inter- pretation of Wittgenstein is wholly mistaken in respect of Wittgenstein’s critique of metaphysics and the attendant conception of nonsense. The standard interpretation, Conant holds, misascribes to Wittgenstein Carnapian views on the illegitimacy of metaphysical utterances, on logical syntax and grammar, and on the nature of nonsense. Against this account, I argue that (i) Carnap is misrepresented; (ii) the so-called standard interpretation (in so far as I (...)
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  12. Of knowledge and knowing that someone is in pain.P. M. S. Hacker - 2006 - In Alois Pichler & Simo Säätelä, Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and His Works. Berlin, Germany: Ontos.
    1. First person authority: the received explanation Over a wide range of psychological attributes, a mature speaker seems to enjoy a defeasible form of authority on how things are with him. The received explanation of this is epistemic, and rests upon a cognitive assumption. The speaker’s word is a authoritative because when things are thus-and-so with him, then normally he knows that they are. This is held to be because the speaker has direct and privileged access to the contents of (...)
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  13. (1 other version)When the whistling had to stop.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In David Pears, David Charles & William Child, Wittgensteinian themes: essays in honour of David Pears. New York: Oxford University Press.
    1. The Tractatus doctrine of saying and showing In a letter to Russell dated 19.4.1919, written shortly after he had finished the Tractatus, Wittgenstein told Russell that the main contention of the book, to which all else, including the account of logic, is subsidiary, ‘is the theory of what can be expressed (gesagt) by prop[osition]s -- i.e. by language -- (and, which comes to the same, what can be thought) and what cannot be expressed by prop[osition]s, but only shown (gezeigt); (...)
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  14. The death of the author at the birth of social science: The cases of Harriet martineau and Adolphe quetelet.P. B. & S. M. - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 31 (1):1-36.
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  15. Appendix 2: Diabology.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 390–397.
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  16. Appendix 3: Hannah Arendt and the Banality of Evil.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 398–406.
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  17. Appendix 1: On Animal Beliefs and Animal Morality.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 361–389.
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  18. Appendix 4: The Pictorial Representation of Pleasure in Western Art.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 407–411.
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    Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951).P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In Aloysius Martinich & David Sosa, A companion to analytic philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 68–93.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Background The Tractatus The role of the Tractatus in the history of analytic philosophy The collapse of the Tractatus vision The Philosophical Investigations Philosophy of language Philosophy of mind The critique of metaphysics and nature of philosophy Wittgenstein's place in postwar analytic philosophy Notes Bibliography.
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  20. Two Conceptions of Language.P. M. S. Hacker - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S7):1271-1288.
    Two different conceptions of language dominate philosophical reflection on the nature of human language and of human linguistic powers. The first is the conception of language as a calculus of meaning, and of understanding as computational interpretation. This conception is rooted in the exigencies of function-theoretic logic. The notions pivotal to this conception are truth, truth-condition, sense and force, naming and describing (representation), and theory of meaning for natural languages. The alternative conception is an anthropological one, which conceives of language (...)
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  21. Gordon Baker's late interpretation of Wittgenstein.P. M. S. Hacker - 2007 - In Guy Kahane, Edward Kanterian & Oskari Kuusela, Wittgenstein and His Interpreters: Essays in Memory of Gordon Baker. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 88--122.
    Gordon Baker and I had been colleagues at St John’s for almost ten years when we resolved, in 1976, to undertake the task of writing a commentary on Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. We had been talking about Wittgenstein since 1969, and when we cooperated in writing a long critical notice on the Philosophical Grammar in 1975, we found that working together was mutually instructive, intellectually stimulating and great fun. We thought that we still had much to say about Wittgenstein’s philosophy, and (...)
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    Law, Morality and Society.P. M. S. Hacker & J. Raz - 1978 - O.U.P.
    Collection of essays around the work of H.L.A. Hart.
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    The Significance of Beauty: Kant on Feeling and the System of the Mind.P. M. Matthews - 1997 - Springer.
    Argues that though Kant articulated but a single solution to the problem of taste, by establishing a capacity for a common sense, but expanded it by explaining why people can take the disinterested attitude required for a common sense by appealing to our supersensible, rational nature. Proposes a solution to provide a natural reading of the antinomy according to which it is both required for Kant's broader purposes and does not make his earlier deduction obsolete. Revised from a dissertation for (...)
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    The Ranking of the Goods at Philebus 66a-67b.P. M. Lang - 2010 - Phronesis 55 (2):153-169.
    At the very end of Plato's Philebus Socrates and Protarchus place the goods of a human life in a hierarchy (66a-67b). Previous interpretations of this passage have concentrated upon its relevance to the good human life, including the allowance of (true and pure) pleasures. This view picks up Plato's metaphor of a mixture of reason and pleasure, but the ranking of the goods is emphatically a vertical stratification and not a mixture in which all elements are equally fundamental. In this (...)
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    Wittgenstein: Comparisons and Context.P. M. S. Hacker - 2013 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects P. M. S. Hacker's papers on Wittgenstein and related themes written over the last decade. Hacker provides comparative studies of a range of topics--including Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology, conception of grammar, and treatment of intentionality--and defends his own Wittgensteinian conception of philosophy.
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    Metaphysics.P. M. S. Hacker - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman, A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 209–227.
    Throughout its long history metaphysics has been variously conceived. At its most sublime, it has been taken to be the study of the super‐sensible, in particular of the existence of a god, the nature of the soul, and the possibility of an afterlife. When the young Ludwig Wittgenstein entered the lists, it was entirely reasonable to conceive of metaphysics in this manner. Its subject matter was held to be the language‐independent and thought‐independent de re necessities of the world. The Tractatus (...)
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  27. On Strawson's Rehabilitation of Metaphysics.P. M. S. Hacker - 2003 - In Hans-Johann Glock, Strawson and Kant. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The logical positivists’ critical attitude towards metaphysics is sketched. Strawson’s conception of descriptive and revisionary metaphysics is described. Revisionary metaphysics is argued to be chimerical, and descriptive metaphysics is argued not to be a form of metaphysics at all. Strawson’s failure to account for the status of propositions of descriptive metaphysics is held to be remediable by reference to Wittgenstein’s conception of grammatical propositions that express norms of representation.
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    Existential Biology: Kurt Goldstein's Functionalist Rendering of the Human Body.P. M. Whitehead - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (1-2):206-224.
    The author clarifies the existential philosophy that is implicit in Kurt Goldstein's philosophy of organism (Goldstein, 1963; 1995). Situated in response to the growing trend that psychological phenomena are reducible to the nervous system, the author argues for the reverse: that the significance of nervous system activity can only be understood by viewing it as background to foreground performances. Like the organization of perception into meaningful figure-- ground Gestalts, the existential modes of embodiment, sociality, temporality, spatiality, and attunement are organized (...)
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  29. On the ontology of belief.P. M. S. Hacker - 2004 - In Mark Siebel & Mark Textor, Semantik Und Ontologie: Beiträge Zur Philosophischen Forschung. Frankfurt: Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 2--185.
    1. _The project_ Over the last two and a half centuries three main strands of opinion can be discerned in philosophers.
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    Wittgenstein: Meaning and Mind: Meaning and Mind, Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations, Part I: Essays.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This third volume of the monumental commentary on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations covers sections 243-427, which constitute the heart of the book. Like the previous volumes, it consists of philosophical essays and exegesis. The thirteen essays cover all the major themes of this part of Wittgenstein's masterpiece: the private language arguments, privacy, avowals and descriptions, private ostensive definition, criteria, minds and machines, behavior and behaviorism, the self, the inner and the outer, thinking, consciounesss, and the imagination. The exegesis clarifies and evaluates (...)
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    Faraday's Theories of Matter and Electricity.P. M. Heimann - 1971 - British Journal for the History of Science 5 (3):235-257.
    In recent years a number of scholars have argued that Faraday's theories of matter and force were founded on concepts which were derived from Boscovich'sTheoria Philosophiae Naturalis(1758). The notion that Faraday's ideas display Boscovichean tendencies is not a new one: it was proposed by several of Faraday's immediate successors and has been noted by more recent commentators. Statements of this kind are not implausible as assertions of a general correspondence between Faraday's views on matter, as expressed in the “Speculation touching (...)
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    Ontology of Semantics in Information Technologies.P. M. Kolychev - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):262-275.
    The article analyzes ontological possibilities of the meaning of information setting. For this, a modern approach of information technologies is considered in relation to setting the meaning of textual information. At the same time, the problem of setting the meaning of number and the meaning of word is formulated, which is discussed from the perspective of an ontological approach based on the solution of the problem of being, where the ontology of semantics is the result of such a solution. As (...)
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    Релігійно-філософські домінанти оповідання про потопаючих петра могили та середньовічно-бароковий контекст.P. M. Yamchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:151-159.
    The figure of Peter the Tomb, various aspects of his life and activity, as well as the era called by his name, have long been the subject of study by numerous scholars, comprehensive and meticulous research. It is enough to mention the works of M.Grushevsky, A.Zhukovsky, V.Klimov, A.Kolodny, V.Nichik, O.Sarapin, L.Filipovich and V.Shevchenko, in which the phenomenon of the metropolitan, his spiritual and religious dominant, is thoroughly and thoroughly explained, the influence of P. Mogila's heritage on the past and present. (...)
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    Davidson on the ontology and logical form of belief.P. M. S. Hacker - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (1):81-96.
    1. Belief and mental statesDavidson holds that intentional verbs occurring in the form ‘A Vs that p’ signify propositional attitudes. These are, he claims, mental states, and dispositions. Davidson does not conceive of himself as introducing a special technical sense of the common intentional verbs. He insists that ‘the mental states in question are beliefs, desires, intentions, and so on, as ordinarily conceived'. Consequently he contends that believing that p is a mental state, disposition or dispositional state. These ontological claims (...)
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  35. The relevance of Wittgenstein's philosophy of psychology to the.P. M. S. Hacker - unknown
    Th e con fusion a nd b arren ness o f psycho logy is no t to be e xplain ed b y calling it a “yo ung science”; its state is not comparable with that of physics, for instance, in its beginnings. (Rather with that of certain branches of mathematics. Set theory.) For in psychology there are experimental methods and conceptual confusion. (As in the oth er case, con cep tual co nfusion and m ethod s of pro of.) (...)
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    The private language arguments.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - In Wittgenstein, meaning and mind. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 1–135.
    The private language arguments exemplify the analogy: private ownership of experience; private knowledge of experience; private ostensive definition; the mereological fallacy; the 'beetle in the box'; and so on. The supposition that Wittgenstein's philosophy is primarily therapeutic obscures the extent to which therapy is only possible if one attains a grasp of the logical geography of the relevant part of the philosophical landscape. The analogy between clarifying and eradicating philosophical confusion and treating a disease is often linked to a related (...)
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  37. What Is Wrong Indeed?P. M. S. Hacker - 2013 - Philosophical Investigations 36 (3):251-268.
    This is a critical response to Dr. Tamara Dobler's paper “What Is Wrong with Hacker's Wittgenstein? On Grammar, Context and Sense-Determination.” It demonstrates that Dr. Dobler has no idea of what Wittgenstein meant by “grammar” or “rule of grammar.” She does not know what Wittgenstein meant by “grammatical proposition,” nor does she know what a compositional account of meaning or a category mistake is. She labours under the illusion that to say, as Wittgenstein did, that a rule of grammar excludes (...)
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  38. The heights of the twentieth century.P. M. S. Hacker - 2011 - Analysis 71 (2):211-216.
    I was amazed to read that Professor Galen Strawson, who took up philosophy in 1972 at Cambridge, was then given to understand that the nine propositions he lists in ‘The depth(s) of the twentieth century’ (2010: 607) were generally considered to be true. I took up philosophy in 1960 in Oxford, and I was not given to understand any such thing. It is not obvious that there was a sea change with regard to these themes in the 12 years between (...)
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    (1 other version)#2 Wittgenstein and the Autonomy Of Humanistic Understanding.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In Peter Michael Stephan Hacker, Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Clarifies why Wittgenstein’s philosophy has profound implications for the humanities and human sciences. It sketches the gradual growth, from the Renaissance until the early twentieth century, of awareness of the distinctive nature of the understanding involved in the study of mankind as social, historical, and cultural beings. It explains the weaknesses of the traditional objections to methodological monism and argues that Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and his philosophy of mind and action make a unique and powerful contribution to methodological pluralism (...)
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    The Tacit Dimension.P. M. C. Davies - 1968 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 17:222-234.
    For all his peculiarities, man is not the only animal who knows. But he is, as far as it is possible to judge, the only animal who knows that he knows, and who seeks to understand the nature and meaning of the act of knowing itself. Michael Polanyi has been engaged in this search for more than twenty years, and the book here under review is an ‘interim report’ on the development of his thought since the publication of Personal Knowledge (...)
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    Pleasure and Enjoyment.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 207–242.
    Entertainments and celebrations are meant to give audiences and participants pleasure. Pleasure and enjoyment are an integral part of flourishing human life, and the desire for pleasure and enjoyment is a distinctive aspect of human nature. Psychological hedonism is a descriptive doctrine concerned with giving an account of actual human motivation. Ethical hedonism is a prescriptive doctrine that advances the view that human beings ought to pursue pleasure and avoid pain, that prospective pleasure and pain are severally the only good (...)
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  42. Locke and the Meaning of Colour Words.P. M. S. Hacker - 1975 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 9:23-46.
    While thinking philosophically we see problems in places where there are none. It is for philosophy to show that there are no problems.Those of us who are not colour blind have a happy command of colour concepts. We say of trees that they are green in spring, that they are the same colour as grass and a different colour from the sky. If we shine a torch with a red bulb upon a white surface, we say that the surface looks (...)
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    Politik, Poetik und Prophezeiung.P. M. Mehtonen - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (1):31-52.
    The question of how literary fiction is used for political and ideological propaganda involves both textual and contextual comparative analysis. Using recent discussions of the literary genre of prophecy, Mehtonen explores the case of a hitherto unexplored anonymous fictional publication from 1770, which became a literary sensation and was soon translated from German into Danish, Russian, Swedish, Finnish and Dutch. Mehtonen shows how this narrative – about the 106-year-old Swiss hermit Martin Zadeck, who presented on his deathbed in 1769 a (...)
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    The Place of Death in Human Life.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 334–360.
    Throughout much of human history most people conceived of death as a transitional event. An alternative, secular, conception of death is as the permanent cessation of all life‐sustaining biological functions. The death of the physical organism is the death of the person or human being. However death be conceived, human beings are the only creatures that are aware of their mortality. The death penalty is often thought to be the most severe punishment of all, far worse than life imprisonment. Attitudes (...)
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    Introduction to the private language arguments.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - In Wittgenstein, meaning and mind. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 1–23.
    For Wittgenstein's supposed private language is one which it is logically impossible to teach another and similarly impossible for anyone else to understand. The global purpose of Wittgenstein's discussion of private knowledge of experience, private ownership of experience and private ostensive definition (which might be called the private language argument in a narrow sense) is not to establish that language is essentially social. Of course, human languages are shared, and are learned in social contexts from parents, elders and siblings. That (...)
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    Knowledge of other minds: the inner and the outer.P. M. S. Hacker - 1990 - In Wittgenstein, meaning and mind. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 153–166.
    We cannot perceive the minds or experiences of other people, but only their bodies and behaviour. The 'inner' therefore appears to be hidden behind the 'outer' and to be inferred from perceptible behaviour by analogy. Our knowledge of the experiences of others, in comparison with what philosophers think of as self‐knowledge, seems distinctly shaky. Wittgenstein conceived of the 'constitutional uncertainty' of the inner not as a consequence of defective evidence, but as a reflection in the rules of evidence of disagreement (...)
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    Pride, Arrogance, and Humility.P. M. S. Hacker - 1976 - In Robert C. Solomon, The Passions. The Myth and Nature of Human Emotions. Notre Dame, Ind.: Doubleday. pp. 129–151.
    Each person should have their pride – a proper sense of their worth and dignity. Improper pride is arrogance; proper pride, one might say, is necessary for self‐respect. As an emotion, pride may take the form of a momentary emotional occurrence, as when, for example, one is complimented by people whose approval one appreciates on some achievement of one's own, of one's spouse, or of one's children. Pride may also take the form of a persistent, enduring, emotion, as when one (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Philosophical Foundations of Neuroscience.Max R. Bennett & P. M. S. Hacker - 2003 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by P. M. S. Hacker.
    Writing from a scientifically and philosophically informed perspective, the authors provide a critical overview of the conceptual difficulties encountered in many current neuroscientific and psychological theories.
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  49. Wittgenstein on ostensive definition.P. M. S. Hacker - 1975 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 18 (3):267 – 287.
    Wittgenstein's critical and constructive analysis of ostensive definition is examined. Nine fundamental logico?metaphysical errors stemming from misapprehension of ostensive definition are identified, most of which occur in the Tractatus. The Fregean holistic conception of meaning is applied to the special case of ostension. Ostensive definition is one rule among others. It is not unequivocal, it does not link language with reality, nor does it determine its own application. The role of samples in ostensive definition of perceptual properties is analysed, and (...)
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    Fatalism and Determinism.P. M. S. Hacker - 2020 - In The moral powers: a study of human nature. Hoboken, NJ, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 155–178.
    Global fatalism is an attitude towards life, an attitude of resignation and acceptance of what happens. Global fatalism in the form of predestinarianism is typically, but not exclusively, associated with monotheism rather than with polytheism, and in particular with Christianity and Islam. An individual form of fatalism consists in the belief that specific incidents in a person's life are preordained. Local fatalism appears to be common to many different cultures and societies. Individual fatalism is associated with other important events in (...)
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